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Communism & Capitalism

Red & White China & US won't collapse Japan never disappear Peace or Prosperity Close or Open 人の営みは続く 人の繫りは拡がる より良い暮らしを広げる 信用と信頼 衡平と公正 民主と専制 Democracy or Autocracy Decentralize or Centralize 中東の富が活きるか無に帰するか Fair Trade Global for Local Saiving for Investment India keeps growing Brazil often stumbles 人種を越えた仲間の協働体 勤勉なしに安寧なし Collaboration Cost Reduction Creativity 働きのベクトルを整えるLabor market Territory doesn't matter Role of state should decrease Power of crowds Don't assert but service 黙々と善行を重ね拡げる Both communism & capitalism Both cosmopolitanism & Indivisualism How to deal with status quo Keep acting to live better No other alternative No theory secure our life Only 3C works Collaboration Cost reduction Creativity Money won't talk Labor solves issues Slow & steady avoids misery